Social Media Engagement Posts Ideas

Marketing Tips Social Media Marketing

Do your Facebook posts barely receive any likes, comments, or shares? It may be time to evaluate your social media strategy.

Social media engagement is crucial to brand awareness, building trust and a personal connection with your target market, and selling your goods or services. If your high-quality content is not receiving engagement, it may be time to develop new post ideas.

We share 10 post ideas in this blog that will boost your engagement. You can add them to your social media calendar and use them on a variety of social media platforms to get the word out about your business.

10 Social Media Post Ideas To Increase Engagement

Add these 10 social media posts to your social media marketing strategy!

1. Show behind the scenes

Social media is often criticized as being a glorified version of real life. People only want to show their social media followers the polished, perfect side of their lives and businesses. So why not ditch content curation, attract some attention and show that you are real and human? Give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your business, whether it’s a photoshoot, a tour of your office, or a company event. People will love seeing your business from a personal level.

2. Tell stories

People love stories; stories are how we make sense of the world around us—by finding meaning and narrative.

Make sure to include stories in your strategy. Stories will help your followers learn more about you and your brand. It is even better if the stories have some emotional aspect.

3. Infographics

Not every post has to be a sales pitch! Your business could create an infographic about a brand-related subject and share it with your followers. For example, if you are an ethical, slow fashion company, you could post an infographic about the impacts of fast fashion on the environment. While you are not explicitly promoting your business, you educate your leads and make them more aware of the problem and how your company is working to remedy it. This will eventually help lead them through the buyer’s journey and into a converted customer.

4. Video content

The average human attention span is 8 seconds, so social media content needs to be attention-grabbing right from the start. While you can share photos, video is the best way to grab people’s attention.

Video is more engaging because it fulfills two senses (visual and auditory), unlike photos which are only visual content. As a result, video generates 1200% more shares than both images and text, making this the ultimate content for social media engagement.

Every business owner should incorporate videos into their content ideas, whether pre-recorded or live video. Live videos are videos that you record and share with your followers in real-time. Followers can interact, often posing questions or posting comments in the chat.

5. Share industry news

Has there been any breaking news in your industry? Post about it on social media! Businesses can position themselves as industry leaders simply by talking about trending topics in their industries.

Do not feel like you need to limit yourself to posting on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. If the news requires an in-depth explanation, record your own podcast episode and promote it on your social accounts.

6. Shout out new team members

Take the time to highlight your team members on your social media channels. Social media users love forming personal connections with brands and businesses, and it isn’t easy to do so if you are not highlighting the people behind your organization.

You can highlight your staff by posting photos of them with a small blurb about who they are, what their job entails, and their favourite part of their job. Another great example is posting an Instagram reel or TikTok following the person during their day-to-day work activities.

7. A step-by-step guide

Educational content is almost always engaging content, so teach your leads something for free! Here are some ideas that businesses can use based on their specialty:

  • A hair products company makes a guide on the proper way to care for your hair
  • An outdoor company shares the 10 essential things you need for every camping trip
  • A major publication posts a guide about getting your writing published
  • A business coach teaches entrepreneurs how to turn a casual conversation into an elevator pitch

8. Success stories

Show your followers the success that comes with choosing your business! Share online reviews and stories that previous customers have left about your products or services. It will be great content, and it will cross-promote your business.

9. User-generated content

Are you an e-commerce company? Do your customers post pictures of your products online? If so, you have hit the jackpot. You can use content from your most loyal advocates on your social media page to promote your business. Your target audience will love seeing how other customers use your products, and dedicated fans will love seeing their photos on your social channels. Just make sure to get customer consent before you repost their photos.

10. Contests and giveaways

Giving away free stuff is always a good option when you want more engagement from your followers.

Select a product or service that you believe everyone will want. If you are an e-commerce business, choose one of your best selling products. A business that provides a service like car detailing could offer to detail someone’s car for free.

Most social media contests require participants to like, share, and comment on the post to enter the contest. These requirements are a great way to get more people engaging with your social posts, even if it is just to enter to win.

Social Media Resources

We know that coming up with ideas for curated content can be difficult. Sometimes you need to go beyond your own thoughts and ideas and hear from others. A great way to do that is to follow your competitors or similar brands for relevant content ideas.

Another great way to get ideas for your social media campaign is to set Google alerts for keywords related to your industry. You will be the first to know about current events, and you can use the information you learn for social media post ideas.

Finally, handling various social media accounts can be a lot of work. Use social media management tools like Hootsuite to plan and schedule your posts in advance. From everyday to holiday posts, you will be ahead of the game!

Todd Foster

As a dedicated Digital Marketing Strategist at Barker Social, I am passionate about helping businesses unlock their full potential online. With a focus on results-driven strategies, I aim to deliver measurable success for our clients.

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